Are you looking for Leadership and Management Training that is for ‘Real people’ and is ‘Real life’?
I have had the pleasure of working with UK Learning Network on a number of projects as well as in development of new ideas and concepts. There thoughtful approach and energetic and happy style, coupled with her tenacity can only help with achieving any desired outcome for you.
I love working with Angie and her team and wouldn't hesitate a second to recommend them to anyone seeking a fresh approach to their business objectives.
Angie has delivered a range of personal skills training on our career development programme. Her training delivery is of a consistent high standard, positively engaging participants and providing practical input so that participants come away with real action learning. Angie is a true professional who has assisted us hugely in helping us develop our people.
UK Learning Network designs and delivers fantastic training which is highly memorable and effective. The whole team are great people to works with, always enthusiastic, full of good ideas and efficient.
I had the pleasure of working with Angie and the team from UK Learning Network on a project for the NFU Mutual. I was very impressed with their engaging manner, warmth and knowledge, which made the training sessions we delivered fun and, most importantly from delegate feedback, very well received. I have no hesitation in giving UK Learning Network my wholehearted recommendation.
Having spent a good 6 months getting to know Angie and the team at UK Learning Network, I feel this will be a connection for life within each business I work with.
Inspirational, stretching and creative are just some of the words I would use to describe UK Learning Network’s style. The team and I have really pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones and it’s great to observe within their sessions all the learning come to life!
I first meet Angie and her team whilst working for NFU Mutual on a performance management project with the agency network. Despite the challenging nature of the audience, Angie provided a professional and engaging solution. This is always coupled with a sense of fun and innovativeness to her approach. All of this makes the service delivered by Angie in terms of training solutions, value for money with excellent results in terms of changes in behaviour and improvements in performance. This team is able to offer a range of fresh solutions across a range of topics, which are bespoke to the clients need, working with UK Learning Network is always a pleasure never a chore .
I have been fortunate enough to witness Angie in action on numerous occasions. As a training professional she has a huge depth of knowledge about her subjects. Her delivery style is understated but skilful. Angie has the knack of making workshop delivery look easy. This is partly due to her passion and drive to ensure the learners have everything they need to learn effectively, and the rest is down to her pure skill at communication at all levels. The team at UK Learning Network always find time to listen, and I have found real value in the advice they so generously provide.
I am in awe of their confidence to tackle any challenges and their judgement is spot on. The whole team always looks to the positive and are very skilful in bringing out the strengths of those around them.
I have had the pleasure of working with Ange on a number of projects as well as in development of new ideas and concepts. Her thoughtful approach and energetic and happy style, coupled with her tenacity can only help with achieving any desired outcome for you.